Schuhmacher Company Building
(Power Avenue Warehouse)
402 East Power Street
The A. Levi & Company, organized around 1867, conducted wholesale grocery operations at 402 East Power Avenue continuously from October 1891 to January 1, 1909. The "Deed Records of Victoria County" show the A. Levi & Company partners purchased the property from Thomas M. O’Connor on October 5, 1891 for $500. The deed does not specifically include buildings, if any, that may have been on the tract.
The 1873 Bird’s Eye View map of Victoria shows what appeared to be two or more wooden buildings on the site. It is quite possible A. Levi & Company may have occupied these buildings when the pictorial map was drawn. If correct, the company would have occupied the buildings from 1867 to 1909; a total of about forty-two years.
The Victoria Advocate issue of November 30, 1910 carried a short article titled "Schuhmacher Company to Build Here." The article briefly says: The Schuhmacher Company bought the old Levi warehouse in the northeastern part of town from Ben Dreyfus Monday for $3,500, and will immediately begin the erection of a fine brick and stone store building here.
The Schuhmacher Company conducted their Victoria wholesale grocery business operations from this red brick building from 1911 to 1952; a total of about forty-two years.
You can learn more about this home and the families that have lived here in Volume II of Historic Homes of Victoria, available here online through our SHOP or at the Victoria Preservation, Inc. office.​