Herman & Anna Krehmeier House
601 South Bridge Street
The house at 601 South Bridge Street was built in 1893 to accommodate the expanding family of Herman and Anna Krehmeier. The Krehmeier House appears today essentially as it did when it was completed in 1893. It is a typical late nineteenth-century Victorian frame house with symmetrical organization of doors and windows. The porch has six standard columns, embellished with jig sawn scrollwork. A railing of banisters, beaded on both sides, completes the front porch. The front door and its sidelights are original, but its center pane of glass, which originally showed a bird motif, has been replaced. The high-pitched roof had two hatch-type windows to ventilate the upper story bedrooms when the house was built, but these were covered when the house was reroofed.
You can learn more about this home and the families that have lived here in Volume II of Historic Homes of Victoria, available here online through our SHOP or at the Victoria Preservation, Inc. office.